Customised solutions
for all clients

Clients are all those organizations involved in occupational health and safety management, both in-house and outsourced.

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Companies, organizations and NGOs

Company’s own prevention services will find in Sabentis their greatest ally. Through Sabentis you will be able to manage 100% of the preventive process, including: risk assessment, hygiene and ergonomic measurement, internal auditing of regulatory compliance, emergency plans, management of personal protective equipment, training and much more, making OHS management simpler and more efficient than ever.

Mutual organizations

Mutual organizations and occupational risk insurers, as those responsible for reducing the incidence of workplace accidents, can most benefit from the advantages of Sabentis.

Sabentis is the ideal platform for these types of organizations, due to its high capacity for parametric customization and adaptability to multiple cases on the same platform. It can be opened to all its clients, providing tailor-made solutions for different production sectors.

Prevention services

Third-party prevention services and occupational risk consultants can benefit from implementing a management system for their clients. With a single tool it helps to standardize work, simplify management, centralize all the necessary business information, monitor the work carried out and track the status of each client.

The reporting, graphing and data analyzing features of Sabentis are what make it the platform of choice for any organization dedicated to OHS consultancy and project execution.

Contracting companies (Contractor management)

Together with their contractors, companies can coordinate and manage the preventive activities during the different stages of the projects, as well as handle documentation and user access control.

Occupational Medical Examination Centres

Sabentis enables the management of Occupational Medical Examinations from the very start. This begins at the hiring stage by determining the health of the worker before joining the organization, as well as periodic medical examinations to monitor the exposure to which the worker is subjected, so that any health alterations caused by the work performed can be detected at an early stage and approached from a preventative perspective (vaccination plans, alterations in analytical tests, diets, etc.).

Occupational risk prevention specialists

Sabentis greatly facilitates the work of risk prevention specialists by enabling them to gather data, prepare risk assessments on-site or from the office, and monitor and control preventive activities within the company, among other things.

In addition, through Sabentis, prevention experts can advise companies on the implementation or certification of the management system that best suits their needs. This includes mandatory legislation, ISO 45.001, the 5Z healthy company seal and/or any national or international standard or regulation.

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